Media Mentions

The Grave Threat of an Impending Rail Strike on the U.S. Economy (Audio: Podcast)

FHSG President and railroad labor expert Jerry Glass joins the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) Podcast for a discussion about the impending rail strike on the U.S. economy: 

In the face of a threatened freight rail strike, just as the country is pulling out of supply chain problems, IPI records a special timely podcast episode with experts on the issue: Daniel Ogden, Professor of Global Trade and Supply Chain at Baylor University, and Jerry Glass of F&H Solutions Group, a management and labor consulting organization. Why is a strike threatened? Are the unions being reasonable? What can the Biden administration or Congress do? And how much damage to the economy might result from a strike? With the able assistance of IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews and IPI President Tom Giovanetti.

Check out the podcast here (Apple Music - must download iTunes)

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